Barbara (Jackson) Halsey: 1938 - 2024
- Native of Ottawa City located in La Salle County, Illinois
- Graduate of an university in Beloit, Wisconsin, where she earned a Master’s Degree
- Employed as a school teacher for 38 years
- Member of the LSCGG from 1998 to 2020
- Recording Secretary/Co-Secretary for the LSCGG Governing Board from 1998 to 2009
- Confirmed membership with D.A.R. in 1999 and continued that membership until 2022
- Native of La Salle City located in La Salle County, Illinois
- Graduate of the La Salle-Peru Township High School and also of Oregon State University
- Veteran of the United States Airforce during the period of the Berlin Airlift
- Employed by the Internal Revenue Service for over twenty-five years
- Member of the LSCGG from 2001 to 2022
- Professional author of jokes that were sold to comedians
- Often late to LSCGG meetings as he was behind on his chores of ironing his shoelaces and sorting his sock drawer (George's favorite expression)
- Former employee, of The Daily Times, who worked as a bookkeeper
- Member of the LSCGG since 2001; was the 3,490th person to join the ranks of the LSCGG
- Part of the original group that organized and shelved La Salle County probate files
- Enthusiastic and willing to assist other volunteers in their chosen tasks
- Publicity director for the LSCGG with respect to radio and newspaper announcements for guild events
- Co-Chair of the Refreshment Committee for Monthly Meetings
- Veteran of the United States Air Force
- Former employee of Caterpillar and retired farmer who lived in Grundy County
- Three hundredth and seventeenth person to join the ranks of the LSCGG
- Following employment with Caterpillar and during the off-season of farm work, worked in the LSCGG office seven days a week
- Part of the original group that organized county probate files
- Participated in the walking survey of the Riverview Cemetery in Streator City
- Maintained the lawn at the LSCGG house during the summer months
- Senior researcher for the LSCGG who was well acquainted with the physical resources found in the LSCGG Library and full of joy when assisting visitors to the LSCGG office
- Retired elementary teacher with the Seneca School District
- Twenty-eighth person to join the ranks of the LSCGG
- Past-member of the governing boards of the Ottawa Avenue Cemetery, the Reddick Mansion Association, and the La Salle County Genealogy Guild
- Volunteer worker at numerous events held at the Reddick Mansion, Ottawa, Illinois
- One of the numerous volunteers who completed "walking surveys" of county cemeteries
- member of the committee that indexed the publication of "Ottawa: Old & New 1914"
- Co-president or President of the LSCGG from 2001 to the time of her demise
- Proud member of the American Girl Scouts, Job's Daughters and the Daughters of the American Revolution
- #1 fan of Snoopy and Snoppy's numerous friends
- Early-join and life-time member of the LSCGG
- Past president (1996-97) of the LSCGG
- Maintained the Ottawa Avenue Cemetery Database
- Purchased and donated current building used by LSCGG
- Assisted in the remodeling of the current LSCGG office building
- Encouraged donations to the LSCGG from his wealthy friends
- Instrumental in acquiring all original probate files from the LaSalle County government offices
- Great volunteer member of the LSCGG
- Worked as a volunteer doing survey-walks of cemeteries
- Vice-president of LSCGG for many years
- Assisted with the painting of the interior of the current LSCGG building
- Decorated tables set up for annual pot-luck dinners
- Great volunteer member of the LSCGG
- Made photocopies of microfilmed newspaper obituaries
- Compiled and copied St. Columba Church vital records
- Worked as a volunteer doing survey-walks of cemeteries
- Member of the LSCGG Board of Directors
- Life member of the LSCGG
- Volunteer worker for the LSCGG and its projects
- Participant in the clean-up and restoration of the Daniels Cemetery, La Salle County, Illinois
- Retired Chicago Police Officer
- Long-time member of the LSCGG
- President of the LSCGG in 1992 & 1992
- Volunteered on days that guild was open to the public
- Assisted in walking surveys of cemeteries
- Long-time member of the LSCGG
- created typed transcripts of La Salle County census records for 1850-1900
- Early editor of the guild's newsletter
- Typed and indexed results of a walking survey of Riverview Cemetery in Marseilles
- Long-time member of the LSCGG
- First librarian of the LSCGG
- Volunteered on days that guild was open to the public
- non-member volunteer who created obituary cards which she then alphabetized and placed in relevant drawers of the Obituary Cabinet
- mother of a past president of the LSCGG
- Long-time member of the LSCGG
- Early member and former Secretary of the LSCGG Board
- Charter member who helped found the LSCGG in 1979
- Charter member who helped found the LSCGG IN 1979
- Volunteered and assisted in surveying cemeteries in the area of Grand Ridge
- Major financial contributor
- Donated Knoll/Walter family research materials for use by the LSCGG
- Long-time participant in the LSCGG from 1987 to 2013
- Volunteered and assisted in the indexing projects of the LSCGG
- Active participant in the LSCGG and a former President of the LSCGG
- Volunteered and assisted in the creation of the La Salle County cemetery record books
- Assisted in the indexing of the 1860 La Salle County census to create the two volume book set published by the Guild
- Active participant in the LSCGG and daughter of a former President of the LSCGG
- Volunteered and assisted in the clean-up and decorating of the current LSCGG building at the time it was purchased.
- Designed, configured and maintained first computer LAN for LSCGG
- Built first computers purchased and used by LSCGG
- Member of the LSCGG
- Charter Member and Active Participant for 25 Years in the LSCGG
- Third individual to serve as President of the LSCGG
- Member of the first group to survey and document county burials
- Started the LSCGG Obituary File System
- Assisted in decoration of current LSCGG building space
- Member of the LSCGG
- Member of the LSCGG governing board
- Chair for Distribution of the LSCGG Newsletter - Genies View
- Member of the LSCGG
- Co-chair of the LSCGG Computer Lab
- Equipment manager during monthly LSCGG meetings/demonstrations
- Member of the LSCGG
- Volunteer participant in cemetery survey projects in the La Salle City area
- Instrumental in efforts to revitalize the Rockwell Cemetery grounds
- Member of the LSCGG
- Volunteer participant in cemetery survey projects
Robert E. Tuftee : 1930 - 2007
- Member of the LSCGG governing board
- Co-chair of the LSCGG Computer Lab
- Founder and webmaster of the original LSCGG website
- Member of and volunteer staff for the LSCGG
- Chair of the cemetery committee and cemetery database project
- On-site authority for answering questions regarding Polish ancestry
- Member of the LSCGG
- Publicity director for the LSCGG
- Co-recording Secretary for the LSCGG meetings
- Author of Genie's View articles regarding the monthly LSCGG meetings
- Member of the LSCGG
- Small Cemetery Expert for La Salle County
- LSCGG photographer of headstones